Trumpet Render 1.JPG

Reverse Engineering

Measurement Precision | SolidWorks | Rendering

Trumpet Render 1.JPG
Reverse Engineering a Trumpet

Reverse Engineering a Trumpet

As a musician, I thought it would be neat to create a full CAD model of an existing Yamaha Trumpet in SolidWorks using reverse engineering techniques. I used a scale and calipers to translate existing dimensions into a full render CAD model. The entire trumpet assembly consisted of over 30 unique parts, all developed from scratch in SolidWorks. Part sketches, part drawings, assembly renders, and exploded view drawings were developed and documented within a written report.

This project gave me a strong foundation in SolidWorks modeling techniques related to sketching, extruding, and rendering. More specifically, I developed skills including the ability to extrude pipes of changing radii, add material to sketches to create full renders, and create assembly and exploded view part drawings.